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Mechwarrior Online MWO Locust LCT-1v 779dmg 6kills Crimson Strait 1440p 60fps
#18 MWO Locust LCT 1V - bite harder and harder
Mechwarrior Online MWO Locust LCT-1V 700dmg 5 kills Tourmaline Desert 1440p 60fps
MWO: LCT-1V TinkerWub in Action
MWO - Locust 1V #30 - Close calls with LRMs
MechWarrior Online MWO Lucust LCT-1V 796dmg 5kills Canyon Network 1440p 60fps
MWO: 816 damage, top score, in a 6-ERSL Locust LCT-E via one-off duels
MWO This is how you play Locust at T3.
MechWarrior Online: The little bug that could (Locust gameplay)
MWO - Locust 1E #133 - Robert and his buddy Weave
Mechwarrior Online - LCT-1V - 1064 damage
#4 MWO Shadow Hawk SHD-2K 633dmg "medium supporter"